Water Purification Systems

Quality - Technology - Expertise

Backed by over eight decades of experience in developing the best filtration technologies, Sartorius offers you cutting-edge lab water systems designed to meet and exceed your quality standards.
Ultrapure Water for HPLC Analysis
No ghost peaks – for optimal results Water used for the mobile phase of HPLC must be absolutely free of impurities in order to avoid interactions with the stationary phase. Learn how to optimize your application and minimize the risk of ghost or phantom peaks.
Arium® mini – The Only System with Bagtank Technology
Enjoy the unique experience. The Sartorius arium® mini is a compact ultrapure water system designed to deliver a flow rate of 1 liter per minute.
Arium® Lab Water Systems
As individual as your needs are. Simplify your daily lab work and obtain consistently high-quality results with our lab water systems
Application Notes
Expand your knowledge base. Find out more about the versatility of our arium® lab water systems for analytical and bioscience applications.
Sartorius Instrument Service
Secure and optimize your equipment operation with commissioning, qualification and regular maintenance
Lab Academy
Learn more about the use of laboratory water systems. Our Lab Academy offers you customized training to extend your expertise in the laboratory.
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